
I have contributed to the following articles on various leadership and self-development topics.

The Impact of Culture

If you’re having a difficult time at work you may be struggling with a culture rather than a random pattern of events.

It’s not always talked about explicitly but the environment around you can have a huge impact on performance and on mental health – can you relate to any of these examples?

Forbes article

The Fomo of WFH

Are you struggling with seeing others go back to the office or socialising with colleagues while you can’t or don’t want to yet?

Whatever the reason, these feelings are completely natural and in this article you’ll find some tips for dealing with them.

Self-Awareness & Leadership

We all hold some preconceptions – both about ourselves and about leadership, which can limit our ability to lead well. These blindspots can come from our upbringing, education, social conditioning or be areas we dislike thinking about. Either way, this article may help to shed some new light on this important topic.

Avoiding Passive Aggression in Communication

Do you find that sometimes the things you are saying land with a thud, or a joke is met with pained expressions instead of laughter? It’s easy to be passive aggressive without even realising – especially if it’s common in our culture (*cough* Britain).

Check out these phrases to see if you can improve your communication and through that your relationships and reputation.

5 Tips for Wellbeing

In this long-form interview I share some of my tips for cultivating wellbeing in your life. There’s also quite a lot about my life and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Tips for Cultivating Selflessness

It is easy in our individualised society to be overly focused on our own lives and feelings, and not always think of other people.

Check out some simple tips for expanding your mindset to include others.

Avoiding Being Hypercritical

Being hypercritical can be way of avoiding your own uncomfortable emotions and making them someone else’s problem. However, an emotionally mature person deals with their own issues and treats others with respect. Check out the article for some great tips on overcoming this habit.

Optimizing Mental and Physical Health

If you’re interested in some great tips for boosting your mental and physical wellbeing, you might enjoy these simple but effective methods.

Best Practices in Client Communication

It’s clear that not all emails are created equal. If you’re interested in taking your client communication to the next level these tips from experts might really help.

10 Small Things To Look Forward To Post-Pandemic

This short article is about things we can look forward to after the pandemic. As is often the case, it is great to find joy in the small things – not just because it is more manageable – but because there’s a simplicity to it.

Using Meditation to Train Your Mind

I wrote this article on using meditation for wellbeing and mental focus. I have used various forms of meditation off and on for years, and I am not an experienced meditation teacher. Rather, this is what I have learned through my own practice and life and what I have found to be true for my clients.

Making Gut Decisions

Instinct is often an untapped resource when it comes to decision-making, especially in those of us who are more intellectual. This article will give you some ideas for getting in touch with your gut. This is especially helpful to have in your back pocket when you have to make some difficult decisions.

Understanding Anger and Making High Quality Decisions

Anger and professionalism don’t often mix very well. I contributed to this article, which might give you some insights into handling and using this controversial emotion an effective and positive way.

Saying ‘No’ For Self-Care

There are certain pressures and expectations that can feel impossible to refuse, but this article gives some suggestions for using your “no” effectively to preserve your well being.

Helping People With Anxiety

A very eclectic article with tips for supporting people who are feeling anxious (I hesitate to say that nowadays we could just say “people”). It’s slightly more on the emotional-triage days of the early pandemic but I think a lot of the tips are still relevant.

Tempering Expectations

This is a compilation of tips from different people about letting go of expectations with some great different viewpoints. If you find that you have great expectations and equally great disappointments you may be able to turn things around.

Living a Meaningful Life

6 tips for living a life of meaning. Of course this is going to look very different for different people, but this is a great place to start. And, of course, knowing the right question is important.

Living a Fulfilling Life

These tips may help to boost your happiness levels and perhaps give you pause for thought. (My surname used to be Waterworth, in case that’s confusing).