
Hi, I’m Suzanne, a coach and author living in LA.

I support clients through leadership and holistic coaching, and I have also written several self-help books for adults and children.

My work is informed by my eclectic background in both training and experience. Using my unique point of view I can think outside of the box and be flexible, while also being understanding, after all we’re only human! You can learn more about my coaching and my books below.

Coaching Work With Me

I have been working with clients in a range of capacities for over 15 years (including Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, stretching, energy work and coaching) and I have a lot of experience in how people grow, change and what trips them up.

These are some of the issues I may be able to help you with:

  • Feeling stuck (creatively, at work or in life, for example) and looking for a way forward
  • Feeling like you have unexpressed potential or aspects of your personality
  • Moving beyond old hurts and pain that are stopping you from living fully
  • Being at a transitional point, or a crossroads in life
  • Feeling the need to transform, or to be in a new way

And these are some of the ways I work with people

  • Talking through the issue, looking at different perspectives
  • Working through emotional, physical, thought and energetic blocks
  • Using exercises (visualisations and practical tools)
  • Looking at strategies for moving forward
  • Teaching clients to access their own inner resources

Coaching at depth means we don’t mainly focus on external changes, but the powerful inner work that can shift things much more organically and in a lasting way. It’s about pointing your life in the direction that is specifically yours.

If you are interested in leadership coaching, holistic coaching or a combination, you can enquire about sessions with me via email.

My Books

I have tried to make a lot of the work I do accessible to people all over the world in a very easy-to-read and enjoyable way.

I’ve found that books are a great way to share a lot of my experience and the tools I’ve learned or developed, in a way that is low-cost and accessible for people. I’ve written written several self-development books for adults and a couple for kids, and I also have a middle grade fiction book in progress.

My main self-development book is The Art of Coming Home (not available at the moment, as I’m working on a second edition, watch this space!), which will teach you a wide variety of self-development skills. Alternatively, you can learn about my stretching method in Moving Stretch, or try my short book Feeling Happy, Feeling Strong for working through feelings of stress and anxiety.

I have also written an inclusive children’s self-help picture book called Perfect: A Self-Love Adventure, which helps children to feel more at ease in themselves and the world. It also has some exercises they can learn to help themselves when they’re having a hard time.

My Approach

If you are interested in learning more about my back story, you will find that here, but in a nutshell; my work is about helping people to move beyond the limits they have become accustomed to by learning to access all the amazing inner strength and resources they hold, becoming the heroes of their own story and a helping hand to others.

By thinking outside of the box and being intuitive I can often help people to move forward, when their typical way of thinking or approach has not worked so far. 

I understand that life’s journey can be complicated at times, sometimes unexpected things happen or we reach a stage when we don’t know if we have what it takes to move forward in the way we want. 

We have a lot of resources within us, but we do not always know how to get to them and we may have stuck emotions blocking the way. My job is to be a guide and to create a space with you, where you can feel safe enough to explore different aspects of yourself and implement authentic change.

Connect with me

You can email me to enquire about sessions. Alternatively if you’re not quite ready for that step, why not connect with me on social media?

Alternatively for info on my work and books, check out those pages on my site, or there is also a media kit here.

My Qualifications

Post-Graduate Certificate in Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching

Diploma with Distinction in Holistic Coaching

EMCC Accredited Coach at Foundation Level

Certification in Resistance Stretching

Meditation Teacher Training

BSc (Hons) 2:1 and Batchelor of Medicine (Beijing) Traditional Chinese Medicine

Member ATCM

and other trainings include; shamanic practitioner, energy work and other healing modalities.

picture of suzanne riding a reindeer in Mongolia
picture of suzanne at a book signing in a garden for her picture book Perfect
headshot of suzanne smiling in a garden