Hi, I’m Suzanne, a leadership coach and author living in LA.
I support clients through one-to-one leadership coaching sessions, and I have also written several self-help books for adults and one for children.
My work is informed by my eclectic background in both training and experience. Using my unique point of view I can think outside of the box and be flexible, while also being understanding, after all we’re only human! You can learn more about my coaching and my books below.
Initially I trained in holistic coaching, before specialising in leadership coaching. Before that I worked with clients for over 15 years, using a wide range of modalities (including Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, stretching and coaching), learning a lot about how people work. I brought this experience to my leadership coaching, and I find it has given me an edge in supporting people through moments of growth and challenge (often the same thing!)
I have also designed and run a careers program for Burbank Public Library, which provides tailored career coaching to a group of participants over several months. Before that I had created my own brand of stretching and designed a teacher training program for that also. I enjoy creating programs which educate and uplift people. In the future I look forward to creating a program for leadership development. But I also use this expertise to coach leaders of other programs, from corporate training to community programs. I love helping people to help other people!
I’ve written several self-development books for adults and one for children. I love sharing my knowledge through books because they are low cost and therefore accessible to a wide range of people. And I enjoy the fact that someone, somewhere, could be benefitting from one of my books while I’m doing something completely different – reading someone else’s book, perhaps!
As a writer I believe in breaking down complex concepts in a way that is easy to absorb, removing unfair barriers to information. Some of us have difficulty reading and/ or concentrating, and we all have a lot of information to sift through nowadays! So my books are easy-to-read and enjoyable, even while dealing with difficult and deeper topics.
Volunteer Work
I volunteered as a tutor with Bookmark Reading, a charity in the UK which helps young children learn to read. Poor literacy not only impacts employment, but also life expectancy, so it is a topic close to my heart. I loved helping 4-6 year olds learn to read online during the pandemic, they were so enthusiastic and cheeky! After moving to the US I volunteered as an adult literacy tutor at Burbank Library, and it was also very rewarding in a different way. Working with people who have an issue that is so limiting and stigmatised has brought home to me the importance of inclusion and equity in both work and education. I strive to be inclusive to people of all backgrounds in my work, and where finances are an issue, to make my work available in other formats, as well as in libraries for free.
My main qualifications include:
Post-Graduate Certificate in Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching
Diploma with Distinction in Holistic Coaching
EMCC Accredited Coach at Foundation Level
Certification in Resistance Stretching
Meditation Teacher Training
BSc (Hons) 2:1 and Batchelor of Medicine (Beijing) Traditional Chinese Medicine
Feel free to email me for more information on sessions at hello@suzannewylde.com and follow me on Instagram.

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