Working Together

What is a session with you like?

I am a friendly and open person who values people’s innate differences and talents. I tend to have a useful perspective on situations, and I am also good at helping people to harness their own strengths in order to move forward.

Sessions are 55 minutes long and in our first session we will establish your goal for the whole course of 6 sessions, to give us an idea of what you are working towards. This might change, but it is great to have a direction in mind! Within that, we can work on what you bring to the session on the day – we do not have to rigidly stick to specific goals and outcomes. In fact there is a tendency for other things that come up to be relevant to your overall goal.

What kind of people do you work with?

I have a wide range of clients from CEOs to dancers, writers, scientists – the sky is the limit in terms of profession. However, my clients tend to be aspirational people who are working towards something and are looking for meaning and fulfilment. For example, I have supported people in making more money or achieving a promotion, in finishing creative projects, setting up companies or working on personal development, but whatever the goal, it is always in the context of what is right for them deep down.

Are there instances when coaching is not right for me?

There are times when we need to heal wounds from our past in order to move forwards, in which case it is more beneficial to see a therapist instead. On the Coaching page I spoke a little about the difference between therapy/ counselling and coaching, but this can be quite nuanced. Emotion is welcome at a coaching session, even emotion about the past – as long as we are mainly looking forward. However, there are some issues that will prevent us from moving forwards until we have fully witnessed them and this may be better addressed in therapy.

How does the coaching work?

I offer one-to-one coaching sessions over zoom. We will have a 30-minute video chat free of charge beforehand, to make sure that we are the right fit with no obligation on either side. If we both agree that coaching together would work then you would sign up for a course of 6 x 55 minute sessions. Sessions can be weekly or fortnightly (monthly is possible if necessary), I do not recommend spreading them out longer than that or the work loses momentum.

There is a 24-hour cancellation fee, so if you do have to cancel within 24 hours you must pay your usual session fee. I will always try to fit you into a different slot if possible, but I cannot guarantee this will be an option.

When your course of 6 sessions has come to an end we can discuss whether you would like to start another course of 6 sessions, or have individual sessions as and when you need them.

What can I expect from you?

The coaching relationship is built on trust and this includes complete confidentiality. I will not discuss what you disclose to me in your sessions or let people know you are having coaching with me without your permission. However, I may bring aspects of the general themes that arise in your sessions, to my own coaching supervision. This is a standard practice for coaches and your identity would never be disclosed. I will keep your notes secure and if a period of 7 years elapses since your last session I will destroy them safely.

I will endeavour to make you feel welcome regardless of your background, gender identity or other factors and to support you as best I can. Fundamentally, coaching should be collaborative, professional and respectful. This is a unique kind of relationship, which may even last for years, but whether of a fixed or long duration the goal is for you to feel seen, supported and satisfied that you have made progress. I love working with my clients, seeing them grow and progress over time and make the world a little better in their own unique way.

If you would like to take the next step and book a free introductory chat via zoom, you can email me to schedule that at